Gallup Strengths For Executives

Why effective leaders must possess a high level of self-awareness – Gallup 2022 

Research shows that effective leaders must possess a high level of self-awareness. But too many leaders are blind to their own personalities — they simply don’t know their own strengths and weaknesses, say the authors of Strengths Based Leadership.

Without an awareness of your strengths, it’s almost impossible for you to lead effectively. We all lead in very different ways, based on our talents and our limitations. Serious problems occur when we think we need to be exactly like the leaders we admire. Doing so takes us out of our natural element and practically eliminates our chances of success.

Click on the following Link to access Gallup’s data base of certified Strengths Coaches.

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Larry along with other Gallup Certified coaches are recognized by Gallup as being fully qualified to coach others using strengths-based development.

Why should you focus on your talents and strengths? Your greatest talents — the ways in which you most naturally think, feel and behave — are a source of tremendous power. Learn your most dominant CliftonStrengths and discover what makes you exceptional so you can maximize your potential. Having a certified coach help you harness your strengths might be the first step in understanding the power of your natural talents.

To download a sample Clifton Strengths Report click on the link below:

Larry Keiter Sample report

Video of testimonial of Clifton Strengths from Exec. Padja Chadov – Why Clifton Strengths

The Power of Strengths:

A strengths approach is unique and powerful. Gallup’s research shows that the key to success is to fully understand how to apply your greatest talents and strengths in your everyday life. When you discover your greatest talents, you’ll discover your greatest opportunities for excellence, success and contribution.

While continuing to learn more about strengths, Gallup researchers also examined decades of data on the topics of individual performance and personal development. Gallup has studied more than 1 million work teams, conducted tens of thousands of individual interviews, and coached tens of thousands of executives, leaders, managers and individual contributors.

Building on employees’ strengths is more effective than trying to improve their weaknesses. Weaknesses shouldn’t be ignored, but a strengths focus offers managers a better chance to develop individuals in the context of who they are, instead of attempting to change their personalities. In a study of U.S. employees, Gallup found that when managers focus on employees’ strengths, 61% of workers are engaged and only 1% are actively disengaged — a dramatically different result than what surveys find of employees generally. When employees use their strengths, they’re more engaged, perform better, and are less likely to leave their company.

Strengths-based development starts with first understanding what strengths contribute to performance. Every team is the sum of its parts, and different challenges call for specific abilities.

Clifton Strengths for Sales Report:

The landscape of sales is changing — and now salespeople, their managers and the HR leaders responsible for their development are looking for a new way to equip their teams for sales success. This is where the new CliftonStrengths for Sales report comes in.

Click on the following link to view a sample Clifton Strengths for Sales report:

Clfton Strengths for Sales Report