Introduction to Executive Development:

Executive Development is as unique as the person who is requesting it.

With personal and professional coaching, one size does not fit all! When we sit down to discuss this opportunity to work together, we will discuss the how development happens:

How development happens

Awareness: Creating awareness is the top priority and you are off to a good start by simply assessing where you are at! The fact that you are preparing an individual development, supports the notion that you indeed “do care” very much about your development and future success.

Skill Building: There is an element to every position that requires displaying technical knowledge and skills to adequately perform the job.

Motivation: It is important to understand that what has worked for you in the past will not always work in future roles. When you acknowledge this, you can alter your behavior to be more effective.

I choose to use the KornFerry Diagram that calls out four specific dimensions of leadership talent. To focus clearly on what part of growth matters most, it is important to understand these four dimensions of leadership talent.

This will help move the coaching relationship forward as ….“What You Do” is not “Who You Are”. 

Getting feedback from a personality assessment is as important as getting feedback from others using a 360 assessments. These assessments allow us to measure where the participant is at so we can then focus on where the participant wants to be.


During the coaching interaction the following topics are some of the most common items I find opportunities to work on, starting with the most common first:

  1. Starting On Purpose – Personal productivity, time management, planning, delegating, goal setting.
  2. Communication
  3. Building Trust
  4. Emotional Intelligence – Self Awareness
  5. Executive Presence