Team Building Testimonials

James Cloyd  

Dean of Student Experiences & Innovation | Contact Center Director | New Student Orientation | Testing Services at MCC

Metro Community College in Omaha Ne: MCC Leadership brought together a group of 70 leaders to engage, interact and to develop personally and professionally. 

Survey Feedback LarryKeiterCoaching: MCC Poll Results

Process, Tools, Techniques

  • Keynote
  • Goal Setting
  • Personal mission statement
Chris Cornille

Chris Cornille
Chief Commercial and Supply Chain Officer at Monolith

Shares his why about CliftonStrengths Team workshop and its importance to him and to his team.

The Monolith Commercial Team went through a Clifton Strengths Team Building Session on May 12th, 2022.

Process, Tools, Techniques

  • Gallup Strengths Assessment and Strengths Coaching
  • Gallup Strengths Team Workshop
  • Emotional Intelligence Workshop
Phillip Hamm

Phillip Hamm

Process, Tools, Techniques

  • Gallup Strengths Assessment and Strengths Coaching
  • Gallup Strengths Team Workshop
  • Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Bertha A. Vargas Orozco
Human Resources Manager – Mexico
Gavilon Group LLC

Tuve la oportunidad de participar en un Workshop con Larry Keiter en 2022

Tuve la oportunidad de participar en un Workshop con Larry Keiter en 2022:

A través de una sesión muy eficiente y asertiva, Larry abordó diversas temáticas, todas conectadas entre sí, y que son claves en la gestión del desarrollo de talento dentro de la organización, se habló de inteligencia emocional, el impacto positivo de la retroalimentación desde una perspectiva de fortalezas y la gestión del cambio.

De este taller, aprendí, la importancia de conocernos a nosotros mismos, identificar las propias fortalezas antes de voltear a ver a los demás, porque entender como somos, como reaccionamos, nos permite interactuar de mejor manera con nuestro entorno y alcanzar resultados más poderosos. Esto a la vez es una invitación para aprovechar al máximo la diversidad de cada miembro del equipo, por la fortaleza de un miembro del equipo complementa al otro.

Por otro lado, siendo el cambio organizacional un proceso, este taller me proporcionó herramientas para guiarlo de una manera estructurada; porque un cambio bien gestionado, facilitará que los equipos se sumen y adapten rápidamente al nuevo escenario.


I had the opportunity to take part in a workshop with Larry Keiter in 2022:

Through a very efficient and assertive session, Larry addressed various topics, all connected to each other, and that are key in the management of talent development within the organization, emotional intelligence, the positive impact of feedback from a perspective of strengths and change management were discussed.

From this workshop, I learned the importance of knowing ourselves, identifying our own strengths before turning to see others, because understanding how we are, how we react, allows us to interact better with our environment and achieve more powerful results. This in turn is an invitation to make the most of the diversity of each team member, by the strength of one team member complements the other.

On the other hand, organizational change being a process, this workshop provided me with tools to guide it in a structured way; because a well-managed change will make it easier for teams to quickly join and adapt to the new scenario

Bertha Live Feed

Process, Tools, Techniques

  • Gallup Clifton Strengths Workshop

  • Emotional Intelligence Workshop

  • Change Toolkit and Team Charter Survey