Gallup Strengths – Strengths Based Culture

Clifton Strengths for the organization :

This is why it’s worth it–even in the face of weakness-focused orthodox management–to build a strengths-based culture. Gallup-2022

How often are employees asked, “Do you get to use your strengths at work every day?”

Giving employees the chance to excel by doing what they do best every day seems like a no-brainer. In too many organizations, though, encouraging employees to know and use their strengths at work is limited to a guerrilla movement.

Yet some individuals, teams and divisions across virtually the entire Fortune 500 are finding ways to talk about and use their strengths. Thousands of people complete the Clifton Strengths Finder every day.

But on their own, grassroots enthusiasts can’t make strengths-based development a bonafide part of their company’s culture. That’s because building a strengths-based culture isn’t for the faint of heart. Without support from company leaders, individual managers who are focused on strengths are likely to be swimming against the tide, as conventional management wisdom is obsessed with fixing employees’ weaknesses rather than building their strengths.

The potential gains of a strengths-based management approach are worth it, however.Gallup analysis reveals that people who use their strengths every day are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, six times more likely to be engaged at work, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit their jobs.

What follows are the steps companies can take to create rich, vibrant cultural tapestries out of their employees’ natural dispositions.


When employees know and use their strengths, they are more engaged — nearly 6xs more — have higher performance and are much less likely to leave their company.

A strengths-based culture and strengths-based approach is a powerful differentiator that helps companies attract top talent, bring out the best performance in every employee and create organic business growth. Learn more about this from Gallup: How to Create a Strengths-Based Culture | Gallup

Gallup Strengths – Strengths Based Culture​