Testimonials – Organization
Process, Tools, Techniques
- Gallup Strengths Assessment and Strengths Coaching
- Gallup Strengths Team Workshop
- Emotional Intelligence Workshop
Tracey Rathe, Senior Vice president of organizational performance and development at Nebraska Health Care Association shares WHY she offered Clifton Strengths to her 400 members across Nebraska. She also uses strengths as the cornerstone for leadership development in their LEAD class.
Survey Feedback LarryKeiterCoaching: Poll-results session one and two Ne Health Care Association
Process, Tools, Techniques
- Strengths and Self-Awareness Workshop
- Personal Mission Statement
- Personal Innovation
- Balanced Lifestyle
CPA and Owner, West Group PC. Colorado Springs, Colorado
CPA and Owner Matt Westenburg brought his team of accounting professionals to Garden of the Gods to participate in a Team Strengths Workshop. This session covered Self and Relational Awareness through understanding of the team’s Clifton Strengths.
Process, Tools, Techniques
- Strengths Workshop
- Emotional Intelligence
- Team Building
Jim Navin
Chief Information Officer at Gavilon Group, LLC
Omaha Metropolitan Area
Jim shares his “why” on this specific team and organizational development!Click on the link below to view feedback from this workshop:
Process, Tools, Techniques
- Gallup Strengths Assessment and Strengths Coaching
- Gallup Strengths Team Workshop
- Emotional Intelligence Workshop
Phillip Hamm
Group Sales Representative at Ameritas – Group Dental and Vision Insurance Expert
Greater Houston
Phillip and his team went though Clifton Strengths and Emotional Intelligence training. See the feedback link from the workshop here:
Process, Tools, Techniques
- Gallup Strengths Assessment and Strengths Coaching
- Gallup Strengths Team Workshop
- Emotional Intelligence Workshop